Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NnlohmannNamespace for Niels Lohmann
 Cbasic_jsonClass to store JSON values
 Cconst_iteratorConst random access iterator for the basic_json class
 CiteratorMutable random access iterator for the basic_json class
 Cjson_reverse_iteratorTemplate for a reverse iterator class
 NcoreNamespace for all PFPSIMCore classes
 NdbNamespace for all debugger classes within PFPSim
 CAllBreakpointValuesMessageMessage which returns the list of all breakpoints
 CAllCounterValuesMessageMessage which returns the value of all the counters
 CAllIgnoreModulesMessageMessage which returns the list of all the modules that are being ignored
 CAllWatchpointValuesMessageMessage which returns the list of all the watchpoints
 CBacktraceReplyMessageMessage which returns the backtrace of a packet
 CBreakpointClass representation of a pfpdb breakpoint
 CBreakpointHitMessageMessage which indicates that a breakpoint has been hit
 CCounterValueMessageMessage which returns the value of a counter
 CCPDebuggerInterfaceInterface for Control Plane module that is necessary for it to work with pfpdb
 CTableEntryData Structure used to represent table entries so that they can be stored
 CDebugDataManagerStores any data acquired from the simulation from the observer so that it may be fetched by the server and sent to the debugger
 CDebuggerIPCServerEstablishes communication with pfpdb python script and services its requests
 CDebuggerMessageBase class for an messages that will be sent to pfpdb via the DebuggerIPCServer
 CDebuggerPacketClass representation of a packet for pfpdb
 CPacketLocationData structure to represent the location of a packet as well as the times at which it entered and left this location
 CDebugObserverObserver for pfpdb
 CDroppedPacketsMessageMessage which returns the list of all dropped packets
 CGenericAcknowledgeMessageMessage which is sent to indicate that a request was successful or not when the debugger isn't expecting any information back
 CPacketDroppedMessageMessage which indicates that a packet has been dropped
 CPacketListValuesMessageMessage which returns the list of all the packets currently within the simulation
 CSimulationEndMessageMessage which indicates that the simulation has ended
 CSimulationStoppedMessageMessage which indicates that the simulation has stopped
 CSimulationTimeMessageMessage which returns the current simulation time
 CTableEntriesMessageMessage which returns the list of all the table entries in all of the tables
 CWatchpointClass representation of watchpoints
 CWatchpointHitMessageMessage which indicates that a watchpoint has been hit
 CWhoAmIReplyMessageMessage which returns the ID of the packet which is current being followed
 NcpNamespace for all ControlPlane Protocol
 Chash< nlohmann::json >Hash value for JSON objects
 CLMTQueueA size-limited multiple-producer, multiple-consumer, thread-safe queue implemented using SystemC primitives The LMTQueue is used as the input buffer in the NPU modules
 CMTQueueA multiple-producer, multiple-consumer, thread-safe queue implemented using SystemC primitives The MTQueue is used as the input buffer in the NPU modules