File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Breakpoint.hDefines a class representation of a breakpoint
 CPDebuggerInterface.hDefines an interface to be implemented by Control Plane modules for compatibility with the debugger
 DebugDataManager.hDefines class which stores any data about taht simulation that is required by pfpdb
 DebuggerIPCServer.hDefines class that services requests from pfpdb
 DebuggerMessages.hDefines the message objects that can be sent as replies to pfpdb through the DebuggerIPCServer
 DebuggerPacket.hDefines a class representation of a packet in the debugger context
 DebugObserver.hObserver for simulation which maintains a record of the simulation via the DebugDataManager so that the debugger may get the necessary information
 Watchpoint.hDefines a class representation of a watchpoint for the debugger